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bruce yost Appointment to the Board of Supervisors on 10/9/23

London Britain Township Office Staff

Township resident Bruce Yost was appointed as a Supervisor to fill the vacant seat of Supervisor Glenn Frederick. The newly appointed Supervisor Bruce Yost has been a resident of the Township since 2008. He has attended more than 85% of the bi-monthly Board of Supervisor meetings in the past 8 years. Bruce has been an active and contributing member on several Township initiatives such as the Comprehensive Plan Task Force and SALDO Task Force. In addition, he is the team leader of the Township Hall renovation project.

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London Britain Township

Office and Townhall

81 Good Hope Road Landenberg PA 19350

P: (610) 255-0388 / F: (610) 255-3542


Open to the Public By Appointment Only

Monday - Thursday

9:30 - 12pm




mail to the Township address listed above


drop off in lg. tan drop box outside of office door

Helping Hand

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health or emotional crisis, call 610-280-3270. The Valley Creek Crisis Center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

If you are feeling lonely, depressed or anxious and just want to talk, call Chester County’s warm line, 1-866-846-2722. This line is manned by individuals trained in recovery.

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