There are 41.96 miles of road in London Britain Township - they are broken up into 39.35 miles of township road and 2.61 miles of state owned road. We work hard to maintain every mile of our roads and count on the adherence of road rules and regulations to keep them beautiful and most importantly, safe!
The township receives an annual allocation of Liquid Fuel tax funds from the Commonwealth Motor License Fund based on township mileage and population. These funds must be used for road maintenance.
We ask that you please drive the posted speeds on all township roads.
The township has grave concerns about warning signs/cones being stolen and/or moved from roads throughout the township. Please do not move the signs or cones. When trees are down, the road crew typically removed the tree from the road immediately. However, when a tree is down on electrical wires, the road crew must wait for PECO to assist before moving forward. So if you see a road sign placed for a significant amount of time, especially due to a tree down, it is likely there are electrical wires present on the road. Do not attempt to move the signs or ignore the direction of the signs.
What can you do to help keep our roads safe?
Trees must be trimmed three feet back from the road, and give at least 15 feet of clearance to ensure the safety of those traveling on the roads. Grass, rocks, bushes and other landscaping must also be trimmed at least three feet away from the road to ensure good sight lines, especially as intersections.
Keep your cars and trash receptacles away from the roadway and/or cul-de-sac; especially before a storm. The Board of Supervisors approved the road crew to not plow/salt areas blocked by cars and trash bins.
There is no parking allowed on Township roadways.
That's it for road facts!