We are currently reviewing Township records and will be mailing out notices of delinquency as well as 2021 reminders in the coming weeks.
Please be sure you are adhering to the London Britain Township Septic Maintenance Program and are up to date on pumping your system.
If you are unaware or unsure of the mandates, the On-Lot Sewage Program requires that sewage systems be pumped regularly according to the following schedule:
Septic Systems - every 3 years
Cess Pools - every year
Retaining tanks - appropriate periodic pumping according to your contract
To monitor this program the Township requests that you to send in a copy of your receipt showing your name, property address and the date of pumping. You may email them to onlotlbt@comcast.net or mail / drop off to the Township office.
If you are due for pumping this year, please send your receipt and information, prior to the final date for this year's initial compliance, December 31, 2021.